Monday, August 8, 2022

Edge of Sanity Movie Review

Trailer here.

Edge of Sanity is a 1989 horror movie directed by Gerard Kikoine and starring Anthony Perkins and Glynis Barber.

The film begins with a man called Henry Jekyll(Perkins), who is experimenting with a new drug. He feeds it to his monkey. Something begins to happen to it. Henry decides to take the drug himself and he begins to change. He becomes a different personality, Mr. Hyde. He heads off out on the town. He visits a brothel and meets a prostitute. He kills her. The next morning, he wakes up as Doctor Jekyll again. The murder is being investigated by the police. They wonder if the killer has a knowledge of anatomy. Jekyll transforms once  again and repeats his murderous actions. This time, someone has spotted him. Jekyll's wife, Elisabeth(Barber) notices that he is acting strangely and she asks him what is going on. He fobs her off.

Jekyll begins to transform on a regular basis and his crimes become more bizarre and horrible. His wife discovers that he has been lying to her about working at the hospital at night. Hyde meets a prostitute called Susannah and he likes her. She is happy to be part of his games and she convinces a man called Johnny to be a part of them too,  Elisabeth asks Jekyll what he is doing. He tells her that he has to look after Hyde. They have a chat and he promises to make things better between them. She believes him and they reconcile. He can't help himself, though and he returns to his killing. Jekyll leaves his money to Hyde in his will.

Elisabeth snoops some more and she catches Jekyll with Susannah and Johnny. Jekyll knows the game is up so he tries to get his lackeys to kill Elisabeth, but she is tough and she ends up killing them. She leaves and goes home.  Jekyll follows her and murders her so that she can't talk to the police. The police come to see him and they think that the murderer is Mr. Hyde who is nowhere to be found. Jekyll is able to continue on with his life.

This film is not bad, but it isn't great either. I am a big Perkins fan and I watched this with an open mind, I just didn't love it. Perkins does a good job in it as Jekyll and Hyde, but he couldn't make this film great. I was a bit disappointed with it, to be honest. That shouldn't put you off, though. It is worth a look, just to see Perkins' performance. I will give this a 5/10.