It was an infiltration that had taken him deep into enemy territory.On the mission he had brought with him all his lock picking tools and his cunning.On entering this secret facilty undetected he connected up his electronic equipment and using his exceptional hacking skills to access top secret data he had downloaded the information!! From a hidden side pocket he handed me a memory card with a copy on it.It was the latest Star Trek Movie trailer!!!! It has since been leaked to this website
The agent quickly gathered up his belongings and with a tip of his helmet exited as silently as he came in.Who was this man?
He is none other than Lt. Colonel Creedon. Few pics of his face are available of him but there is one of him receiving his many medals here on the left!
For security reasons I have been only able to tell this tale now but now you know where the trailer came from!!!!!!!!!!!!
For security reasons I have been only able to tell this tale now but now you know where the trailer came from!!!!!!!!!!!!
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