Wednesday, July 25, 2018

Curtains Movie Review

Curtains is a 1983 horror movie directed by Richard Ciupka and starring  John Vernon, Linda Thorson, Samantha Eggar, Michael Wincott, Lynne Griffin and Anne Ditchburn.

The movie starts with a woman called Samanatha(Eggar) who comes up with an idea with her director, Jonathan Stryker(Vernon). She is going to stay in a mental institution in preparation for her role in his movie. She enters the institution and she sees that there are really ill people in there and crazy people. She starts to go a little crazy too. She ends up staying in there for real. Stryker drops her as his lead actress and abandons her to her fate. He brings other actresses to his home to audition for the part. When Samantha hears this, she escapes.

There are six actresses coming to his house. One of the women gets lost on the way and she sees a doll on the road. She ends up dead. The other five show up at the house. They are Patti(Lynne Griffin), Brooke(Linda Thorson), Laurian(Anne Ditchburn), Tara(Sandee Currie) and Christie(Lesleh Donaldson). Samantha also shows up and argues with Stryker. There is a caretaker called Matthew(Wincott). Christie sleeps with Stryker to get the part.  Samantha sees her leaving his room.
Christie goes skating on a lake and someone shows up wearing an old woman mask. The person skates up to her and murders her.

The others think that she has decided to go home after sleeping with Stryker. Stryker humiliates Samantha. The killings continue. Stryker and Brooke get shot by the killer. Then he goes after Tara. She knocks him down and there is a chase. The killer gets her. Samantha and Patti are the only two left. Samantha tells her that she was the one behind Stryker and Brooke's deaths. Patti surprises her by revealing that SHE is the killer of the other women. She did it to get a part. She kills Samantha.
The movie ends with Patti in an institution. She is performing the role that she did not get in front of the other patients...

This is a good film. It is a horror movie but it is a mystery also. It is fun trying to work out who the killer is. There are some decent kills in here, but it more of a thriller , I think. I wouldn't class this as a slasher movie really. It is entertaining and there are some good scenes in it so I would certainly recommend this. It is a lesser known 80's movie which is definitely worth a watch. I will give it a 6/10.


  1. I've seen this a couple of few times over the years. It's a decent flick and the mystery added to the horror makes a good combo. Thanks for the review and a reminder about a good one.

  2. No problem!!It is a good movie and I enjoyed it!!


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