Saturday, October 3, 2020

Berserker Movie


Trailer here

Berserker is a 1987 horror movie directed by Jefferson Richard and starring Greg Dawson and Beth Toussaint.

The movie begins with flashbacks to the tenth century where Viking warriors were around. Cut to modern day and an old couple get lost in the wilderness. They get murdered by something lurking in the bushes. A group of young people are going for a camping trip. They are Josh(Greg Dawson), Larry, Mike, Kristi, Kathy and Shelly(Toussaint). The place they are going is called Rainbow Valley and it was settled by Norwegians years ago. They get stopped by a local cop who informs them that there are animals out in the woods. He is very odd. The owner of the campsite is called Pappy Nyquist(George "Buck" Flower) and he isn't too friendly either. He rents them a spot and warns them to be careful. Larry is reading about the Berserkers. They were warriors and they ate human flesh. He tells the group that they can possess their relatives.

The cop is called Walt and he is Pappy's cousin. They meet and talk about the group of people who are camping. Walt worries about them being out in the wilderness. He decides that he will check on them. Josh has been in Rainbow Valley before and he directs the group to a different spot than they were given by Pappy. Kristi meets some sort of bear in the woods and she gets mauled. Shelley and Mike find a dead body. They run off into the woods and Shelley finds Kristi's dead body. She ends up getting attacked too. She dies. The rest of the group find her and Kristi. Josh tells them that they need to get help. Pappy goes out in his truck to check on them.

Josh manages to get everyone lost. Pappy is out there looking for them. Mike remembers where their cabin is. He and Kathy have to go for help. Josh has to stay with Larry, who has hurt his leg. Mike ad Kathy reach the cabin. Mike takes a motorbike and drives off for help. Josh gets mauled. Larry is stuck and watches as a bear fights the Berserker who has been attacking people. The Berserker runs away. Larry makes his way back to the cabin slowly. Mike meets Walt and tells him what's going on.
Larry reaches the cabin where Kathy is. She runs outside to meet him. The Berserker shows up. Kathy flags Walt down. He sees the Berserker too. He draws his gun but seems reluctant to shoot it but he does. Back up arrives and we discover that Pappy was the Berserker. The movie ends with him waking up.

This film is cheaply made and not the best. There are some scenes that are silly and there isn't very much of the Berserker in this. There is a bear wandering around, which adds to the confusion at times. It could be a lot better but the acting is bad, the kills are so so and the ending isn't great either.
I wanted to see it because I love 80's horror movies, but just be warned that this one is not very good unfortunately. I will give it a 4/10.

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