The Last Matinee is a 2020 South American horror movie. It is directed by Maximiliano Contenti and stars Luciana Grasso in the lead role.
The film begins in Uruguay in 1993. A killer goes to the cinema. He is dressed all in black. A girl called Ana(Grasso) comes to the cinema looking for her father who is the projectionist. She tells him to go home and rest and that she will take his place for the evening. There are people coming in to see the movie. There is an old crazy guy, three teens, a couple, a boy and a girl. The killer takes the life of the old man in the cinema. Nobody seems to notice. He takes his eyeball. Cut to Mauricio, the security guard, who is annoying Ana. He doesn't last long, as the killer disposes of him and he closes the shutters of the cinema, locking all inside. Ana has locked the door of the projection office as she does not want to be disturbed. She is studying. Someone tries the door. It is the killer, but she thinks that it is Mauricio. This saves her life. The killer is making his way through the rest of the audience.
Ana looks for Mauricio but he isn't there. She sees blood. She also finds the boy who has sneaked in to see the film. He runs from her and she chases him. The killer claims another victim. Ana sees him. He is killing everyone in sight. One of the teens is called Angela and she has to fend off the killer with a fire extinguisher when he comes for her. She bumps into Ana and tells her what is happening. The killer is collecting the eyes of his victims. He sees the two girls and he comes after them. They run from him but he keeps coming. The kid is running too. Ana manages to stab the killer in the eye(LOT of eye related gore in this one!!) Ana calls the police. Ana, Angela and the boy lock themselves into the projection room.
The killer finds them and they have to run again. Angela doesn't escape from the killer this time and she ends up getting killed. The killer comes for Ana but she grabs a pole and kills him with it. The killer drops his jar of eyeballs and it smashes. His eye collection ends up on the floor. The boy watches the eyes. If you like eyeballs, then this film will be for you! They feature in this film a lot. There is also a nice poster of Dario Argento's Opera which I enjoyed. There is an eye scene in that film too. This is fun overall. There are some good scenes and some gore. The setting of the cinema appeals to me so I liked that. This film is in Spanish, so be prepared for that. I think that it is an entertaining horror film and it is nice to see something different once in a while. I will give it a 5/10. It is certainly worth a look if you can find it.
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