Moonstalker is a 1989 horror movie directed by Michael O' Rourke and starring Blake Gibbons and John Marzilli.
The film begins with two people being murdered in their caravan. There is a family camping in the same area. They are Harry(Ernest Abernathy), his wife Vera(Joleen Mullins), their kids Tracy(Kelly Mullis) and Mikey(Ron K. Collie). They meet a man called Pop(Tom Hamil) who says he is going to camp nearby. He has his son, Bernie(Gibbons)chained up in his carvavan. He tells Bernie to go and kill the family. Tracy is out at night and she sees Pop and Bernie. Bernie has killed her family. He and Pop go after her but Pop has a heart attack and dies. Tracy escapes. There are more people in the woods, though. A wilderness training camp is being set up,. A guy called Bobby(Alex Wexler) and his pal Ron(Jon Balogh) are in it. Bernie kills one of the counsellers who asks for directions. He dresses up as the counsellor and takes his truck. Tracy sees it and thinks that she will get help but Bernie runs her over.
More people die and it is down to two people, Debbie and Ron. They find some weapons and prepare to defend themselves against Bernie. Ron ends up getting killed, Bernie chases Debbie. She shoots a cop by mistake and she goes crazy. She is taken away. Bernie is dressed as a cop and he drives off, probably to kill more people elsewhere.
This is low budget fare. That doesn't mean that it isn't fun, though. It is fun but there is terrible acting in this. The plot is okay and the kills are alright but it isn't anything amazing. This will satisfy you if you enjoy 80's slasher films. I am giving it a 4/10.
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