Its not all traps and sharp blades here at the Lair! Time for some more Humour! Stories and tales to make even people in Traps to have a laugh before they begin their test! So while you organise your horror and Sci-Fi movie collections into alphabetical order and you wait for another Star Trek trailer to calm your TrekFix we shall look at the lighter side of life! Kind of the same as how I found out about the Star Trek trailer in a previous post! So lets see what has been happening to give us all a much needed chuckle!
First off in what clearly gets filed into the Morbid Humour folder we have the case of a Wal-mart

worker who was killed opening up his shop!! A worker in Long Island was opening up his shop when he got trampled on by the flood of Thanksgiving shoppers.The bad taste jokes write themselves.Especially when the place has Satisfaction Guaranteed on the side of its premises as you can see from the photo.Rumours that his favourite song was
I'm not your stepping Stone by the Monkees and the epitaph on his grave said "
Tread softly because you tread on my Dreams"( the quote from
William Butler Yeats ) are totally False!! See for yourself
Next we have a story for all you gun enthusiasts out there.Maybe its a sobering thought to put them away for good.A Police chief shot himself trying to teach his daughter
gun safety!! Thankfully he did not kill himself and it was only a flesh wound.His name is not
Trigger though but he should read the safety message on the gun barrell pictured for future reference! Next week's lesson for his daughter on assault rifles has been postponed until further notice!! To read more about this unfortunate incident
click here!
Now going back a few years to 2001 we have the curious case of this woman pictured on the right sitting with a
Yoda Star Wars figure.Very Glum She is.Why is she so glum? Well it seems she worked in
Hooter's restaurant and was told whichever worker there sold the most beer that they would get a
Toyota.So she duly worked hard at selling beer!! She thought they meant a
Toyota car but they actually meant a
Toyyoda!! Unlike most
Star Wars fans getting
Yoda in a nice sealed box was not enough for her and she sued the company.A
Toyota or
Toyyoda? Which would you prefer?! See the story
And finally for all you internet daters out there I think this picture says enough on its own!!!!!!!!!!
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