Friday, February 28, 2025

The Zero Boys Movie Review

Trailer here.

The Zero Boys is a 1986 horror movie directed by Nico Mastorakis and starring Kelli Moroney and Crystal Carson.

The film begins with a group of paintballers called The Zero Boys. They are champions at it. They decide to go into the woods for a vacation. They are Casey, Steve,Rip, Trish(Carson), Sue, Jamie(Moroney)and Larry. They go to a cabin and they decide to stay for the night. It is Rip's birthday and they are up for fun. Someone is watching the house. Trish sees someone looking at them. Steve and Jamie find a human bone, Trish tells the group that someone is watching them. They decide to go. The car won't start. Jamie sees a guy with a knife. The phone isn't working either. Steve and the others get weapons to protect themselves. Larry and Rip spot someone. They also find a mass grave with loads of human bones. They discover a video of a girl being tortured. 

The girls find a trunk in the house, which contains a dead body. Trish goes upstairs and she is grabbed by a man. The guys return from looking around and they see Trish being tortured in the barn. They try to get in to save her, but she has gone. The phone rings and the psycho is on the line. He is not happy. Trish is thrown into the house through a trapdoor. She isn't dead, just traumatised. Steve asks her about who took her. The group discover that their truck is working. They decide to go out to it.  Larry gets killed.  There are two killers after them. The rest of the group are chased  by the killers and they have to use their paintball skills to fight. It turns out that there are three killers in the end.

This is a fun film. It's a mix of slasher movie and action movie but it works well. It is directed by the guy who also directed the infamous Island of Death. A fun fact about this film is that is used the same sets as Friday the 13th part 3. It isn't as good as that movie, but it is worth a watch and I'm giving it a 5/10.

Friday, February 21, 2025

The Long Hair of Death Movie Review

Trailer here.

The Long Hair of Death is a 1964 horror movie directed by Antonio Margheriti and starring Barbara Steele, George Ardisson and Halina Zalewska.

The film begins with a woman called Adele Karnstein who is accused of being a witch and is being taken to her death. Her daugher, Helen begs for her mother's life. She goes to talk to Count Humboldt about it. The execution goes ahead anyway. The witches curses the Count and his nephew, Kurt(Ardisson). She is burned at the stake. Helen decides to avenge her mother but Humboldt throws her into the river to shut her up. Adele's other daughter, Lisbeth(Zalewska) is taken in by the Count. She grows up and Kurt likes her. She doesn't want him. Count Humboldt thinks that Adele's curse is coming true. Kurt agrees. He knows that the witch was innocent. Lisbeth goes into a secret passageway and she sees Humboldt talking to his brother's corpse. She tries to get out of there before he sees her. Kurt wants to marry her. She has no choice. She despises him.

A plague sweeps through the town. Lisbeth tells Kurt that he needs to do something about it. Count Humboldt feels like he is going to die. A lightening strike hits Helen's grave. She returns. The Count does indeed die. Helen comes to the house and says that she is Mary(Steele). She says that she was in an accident. Lisbeth tells her that she can stay. Kurt takes a shine to her. Mary and Kurt flirt and Lisbeth isn't happy. Kurt kisses Mary and tells her that he loves her. Lisbeth finds out and she confronts him. He doesn't care and he and Mary get together. She sees it. A servant is sent with a message to get escorts for Mary so she can leave. He is killed by Kurt, so won't let Mary go.

Kurt tells Mary that he will kill Lisbeth so they can be together. He puts poison in her drink. That night, they go to Lisbeth's room and they think that she has died. Kurt takes her to the crypt and puts her into a coffin. A priest comes down and he locks the gates. They are trapped in there. They manage to escape through a secret passageway. Kurt retrieves Lisbeth from the tomb and places her in her bed. The Next morning, Kurt sees the servant, Grumalda go into the room and she says that Lisbeth is fine. Mary thinks that she is aware of their plan. Kurt is taunted by Lisbeth. One of Kurt's men Von Klage says that he heard a noise in the crypt and he has seen Lisbeth in the chapel. Mary tells Kurt that he needs to do something about Grumalda and Von Klage.

Kurt sees Lisbeth and he is spooked. There is a party at the castle. Kurt is on edge. People have seen Lisbeth and he is starting to panic. He goes to the crypt and Lisbeth shows up. Mary also shows up. She is actually Helen and she and Lisbeth planned it. Lisbeth was dead all along. She leaves Kurt to Helen. Helen torments him and he runs off. He has gone mad. The locals put Kurt into a bonfire by mistake and he can't escape. Grumalda knows he is there but she does nothing to help him. Von Klage asks Lisbeth to set fire to it and she does. Kurt burns alive as Helen fades away.

I liked this film. There was a good cast and the story was interesting. These Italian gothic horror films are always entertaining and this one is no different. I enjoyed it and I will give it a 5/10.

Friday, February 14, 2025

House on the Edge of the Park Movie Review

Trailer here.

House on the Edge of the Park is a 1980 horror film directed by Ruggero Deodato and starring David Hess, Annie Belle, Christian Borromeo and Giovanni Lombardo Radice.

Alex(Hess) is a psychopath who is driving around New York looking for victims. He meets a woman and he rapes and murders her. He meets his pal, Ricky(Radice) who wants to come with him. Ricky tells Alex that the cops were looking for a car, but he took it and hid it. A couple pull into a parking garage where the two men work.Tom(Borromeo) and his girlfriend, Lisa(Belle) want help with their car. Alex tells Tom that he can't do it. They begin chatting and they mention that they are having a party. The two guys are invited to the party, which is in New Jersey. Alex brings along some things that he can use to murder people. 

They arrive at the house which belongs to Gloria(
Lorraine De Selle). Another two people are there too-Glenda and Howard. They are all out for fun and thrills. Alex comes on to Lisa after seeing her in the shower. She runs off before he can do anything. Alex realises that the others are cheating his friend Ricky at poker. This makes him angry and a fight breaks out. Howard and Tom are beaten up by Alex and Ricky. Alex brings out a straight razor and holds it to Tom's neck. He forces them to play poker again and this time, he sits in. Ricky wins. Alex decides to have some fun with the rich folks. He tells Ricky to choose which girl he likes. He picks Gloria and tries to rape her. Howard tries to stop them, but he doesn't get far. Alex ties him up.

Alex brings Gloria to Ricky but Ricky doesn't want to rape her. Alex isn't impressed. Glenda turns off the lights. Alex leaves Ricky in charge and goes in search of Lisa and Tom. He beats up Tom and rapes Linda. He wants her to mess around with Glenda. A girl called Cindy calls at the house. Alex tells Gloria to let her in. Gloria gets out and runs for help. Ricky chases her. He says he doesn't want to hurt her and they end up having sex.  Alex messes around with Cindy. Gloria tries to talk to Ricky about the police. Alex catches her and Ricky tells him they should leave. Alex won't. He cuts Cindy. Ricky isn't happy with that and tries to stop him. Alex stabs him. Tom pulls a gun and shoots him in the leg and then shoots him again. It turns out that the girl Alex killed was Tom's sister. It was all a set up to get Alex. Tom shoots him again and kills him. He falls into the swimming pool. Howard is going to kill Ricky but Gloria stops him. Tom calls the police. 

This is a brutal film. It is nasty in parts. There is a lot of violence and rape in it. It reminds me of Last House on the Left, which also starred Hess. He is good at playing a bad guy. This film will stay with you for a while afterwards because it is intense, but it is definitely worth a look. Deodato is more famous for Cannibal Holocaust, but I prefer this one. Just be warned, that it is not for the faint hearted.
I will give it a 5/10.

Friday, February 7, 2025

Killer Workout Movie Review

Trailer here.

Killer Workout a.k.a Aerobicide is a 1987 slasher film directed by David A. Prior and starring Marcia Karr and Ted Prior.

The film begins with a woman called Valerie, who has a tanning bed accident and gets badly burned. Cut to a fitness club where the owner is Rhonda(Karr), who just happens to be Valerie's twin sister. One of the customers ends up dead after a killer comes into the women's changing room. The body is then stuffed into a locker where it is found. Lieutenant Morgan(David James Campbell) is on the case. He asks Rhonda and her employee, Jaimy about the dead girl. There is a new employee starting work on the same day. His name is Chuck(Prior).Chuck starts fighting with a guy and has a kiss with the guys ex girlfriend, Debbie.

A group of youths spray paint the fitness club.Unfortunately for them, the killer is lurking and murders them.After this, more people meet their end inside the club. It becomes dangerous to even go in there at this point! Jimmy offers to help Rhonda. She refuses his help. Chuck finds a shrine that he has to Rhonda and he fights Jimmy yet again. It's getting a bit pointless at this stage. Morgan discovers that Chuck is a private eye and he is there to find out what's going on. Chuck tells Morgan to Jimmy is a weird guy. He shows him the pictures that Jimmy took of Rhonda. Jaimy is the next to die. Jimmy and Chuck have another run in. This time, Jimmy kills him.

Morgan calls to see Rhonda and tells her that he knows that it is Valerie. He thinks that she is the one killing. He takes her in, but he gets a call about Jimmy. He thinks that he might be the killer and there is a showdown. Morgan asks him why he is covering for Rhonda but Jimmy escapes. He goes to the club to talk to Rhonda but she shoots him dead. Rhonda is happy for him to take the blame for the killings. Morgan isn't so sure about Jimmy. He takes Rhonda out to the countryside and tells her some story about his dad. He is going to kill her because he knows that she will not pay for what she has done. She is the murderer. Rhonda hits him with a shovel and she kills him. Rhonda is a hero to her customers. In her office, she has her murder weapon and she smiles as she thinks about how she got away with her crimes.

This film isn't great, but it isn't totally terrible either. There are lots of boobs, bums and fights, if they are your thing. The music is decent enough. Lots of flexing also! The story isn't bad and I enjoyed it for what is is- a middle of the road slasher film with enough to entertain. I will give his a 4/10.
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