Snuff is a book by
Chuck Palahniuk who as you may or may not know I
like and I have just read it.I read this after
Choke so I have been in a good
Chuck mood lately!
Snuff is about an ageing
porn queen who decides to go out on
top (ahem!) by breaking the world record for having
sex with men.
600 men......
One night......
One woman.....all captured
live on camera! The
porn queen is called Cassie Wright and the
book revolves around the
waiting room for the guys that her with her
record attempt! Only
Palahniuk could do a book like this and that is the set up for
Snuff.He really always pushes out the boundaries a little
more each time!

The story unfolds from the perspective of three men in the waiting room.
Mr.72 ,
Mr.137 and
Mr. 600.We learn one of the men is very
old while another is a lot
younger.They give their side of what happens while they wait to be called to action by the "Porn"
Wrangler Sheila.She is in charge of what order they go the set in and we read from her
perspective also.The men wait in their
underwear as they
chat together and help themselves to food from the buffet.
Explicit descriptions are throughout this book so it is not one for the
faint hearted!!!!!!
This book is a
short read and is only
200 pages.The edition I have has
big print also so it won't take you
long to read.That's not to say that it is poor though as in my opinion it is another
great story!! How
Chuck can come up with this I will never
know! I think it is a
great read and has the by now regular
twist at the end.It is a
good twist also! Some of the stuff in it will make you think that it is
disgusting but that only made me
read more!! It was great building up to the
(ahem!) climax and as usual leaves you
reeling.Whether you
love or
hate this book it will provoke a
reaction from you
definitely! It won't be
for everyone but if you liked his earlier stuff and stuff like
Bret Easton Ellis you will probably
like this.In the end this book
(ahem!) comes thoroughly
recommended!!!!!!!!Snuff (10/10)
I want to be casting director when the genders are reversed and Lord Jeremy tries for 600 women in one night, haha.
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