The Last Horror Film is a 1982 horror movie directed by David Winters and starring Joe Spinell and Caroline Munro.
The film begins with a man called Vinnie Durand(Spinell). He is a taxi driver who lives with his mother. He is obsessed with a horror movie actress called Jana Bates(Munro). He wants to make a movie with her. He decides to go the Cannes film festival when he discovers that she will be there.
He thinks that if he meets her, he can convince her to star in his film. His mother thinks that he crazy.
Jana arrives in Cannes and Vinnie is there. He tries to get into a party but it is just for movie people . He dreams that he is a big time director and everyone loves him. Jana is with her ex husband, Bret Bates(Glenn Jacobson) and her current boyfriend, Alan Cunningham(Judd Hamilton). Vinnie doesn't like Bret. Jana receives a note that says she has made her last horror film. She also finds Bret's dead body. He has been murdered. Vinnie is there. He films her reaction.
Jana calls the police and when they go to see the body, it has disappeared. Jana is upset and confused.
Alan thinks that it could be a sick prank. Vinnie wanders around filming Jana. Bates has disappeared.
The police think that it is a joke that he is playing on Jana. They think that it might be a publicity stunt for his movie. More people start to get killed and we discover that it is Vinnie. He kills more people connected to Jana. He breaks into her hotel room but gets disturbed. He chases Jana and she runs into Alan who takes her back to her hotel. Alan calls for security. He takes her to stay with friends who live in the area. Vinnie follows. The security guys see Vinnie and they shoot at him.
Jana decides that she will use a decoy at the awards ceremony. Vinnie is going to get her.
He dresses up as a cop. Jana meets her decoy on the night and lets her go on instead of her. Jana stays backstage. Vinnie catches her and kidnaps her. Alan and the police find out what has happened and they follow Vinnie to a castle. He has a scene set up for her. He is going to kill her. Bret shows up and says that he was behind the killings all along. Vinnie was just a stooge. He is going to let Vinnie take the fall for it all. Vinnie distracts him and gets a chainsaw. He kills Bret. The police come. The movie ends with the revelation that it has all been Vinnie's film. None of it was real and he was actually making his movie with Jana. He and his mother watched it. She is proud of him. They share a joint.
This was an enjoyable movie. It wasn't anything amazing, but there was enough to keep me watching. It was fun to see Joe Spinell in this. I liked him in Maniac(1980) and he was convincing as a loser in this. His real mother starred too. The ending was pretty good as I didn't realise that it was Vinnie's movie all along. It was a little ropey in parts, but on the whole, it is a decent horror movie and I recommend it. I will give it a 5/10.
That's an old one. I kinda remember it, but not as vividly as Friday the 13th and such. Always fun reading the reviews of the ones from my teen years. Thanks for all you do on the blog Amanda.
You're welcome Tony. I'm glad you enjoy my reviews!
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