The Curse of Halloween Jack is a 2019 horror movie sequel. It is directed by Andrew Jones and stars Patrick O' Donnell, Tiffany Ceri and Peter Cosgrove.
The movie follows on from the first one. The town of Dunwich has its own cult called The Lords of Samhain. They gather together one night to bring back Halloween Jack. The local cops led by Detective Rockwell(O'Donnell) learn about this and they go to stop them from causing trouble. There is a shootout and the cult members are killed. Halloween comes and the mayor Lou Boyle has banned Halloween because of what happened in the past. His daughter Danielle(Ceri) is going to a Halloween party anyway. She is going with her friend Nancy and two guys, Glen and Tommy. Halloween Jack is on the prowl. He pays a visit to Mayor Boyle first. He electrocutes him and kills his wife too. Glen and Tommy share some really silly chat in a pointless scene. Tommy ends up meeting Jack and he gets murdered.
Rockwell is at the crime scene in the mayor's house. They think it might be a murder suicide. Old man Duke Tanner(Cosgrove) shows up and he has a southern accent. He says that is a hunter and he is hunting Halloween Jack. He also has an eye patch for some reason. His character is very amusing. He is like some old grizzled veteran hunter who just happens to show up and just happens to be looking for Jack. Hmm. He spins some yarns about Jack and how he came back and how he has powers. He also tells them that there is a curse and only he knows how to break it. Halloween Jack kills Nancy and Glen.He decides to join the party in a ridiculous scene where the party goers shuffle around and try to get killed. Danielle spots him and they share a look between them before she leaves without getting killed.

She ends up at the police station with Stockwell. Halloween Jack makes his way there. He kills Rockwell and old Duke shows up to inform Danielle that they need to get Jack to a place where they can destroy him. He gives some silly speech about druids. Jack needs one of his bloodline to be reborn. Guess what??Danielle happens to be his daughter. How coincidental is that! She was adopted by the mayor and his wife. Tanner just happens to have a dagger which can kill Jack. Those coincidences keep coming. He wants her to use it to banish Jack. We learn that Jack killed Duke's daughter. That is why he is on a mission to kill him. Jack arrives and Tanner faces off with him. There isn't much of a fight and Tanner meets his end easily. For a man who has been planning to kill Jack for years, he isn't much of a fighter. Danielle faces off with Jack. She talks to him about the family unit and then gets close enough to stab him with the dagger. She blows up the place too and Jack seems to have gone back to where he came from. The field. The film ends with a news report saying that Jack's body has not been found. Oh no. Surely this doesn't mean that he will come back for another sequel!!Hopefully not.
This film was worse than the first one. This time Jack has a sack on his head which seems to contain two orange lightbulbs. He isn't very scary. The acting isn't good. The character of Tanner made me laugh. Is this film set in America or Britain? Most of the actors sound British. Tanner had some sort of southern accent. There were a few scenes where the characters just talked about rubbish. This is a bad film. I don't mind that it was cheap and that the acting wasn't great but some of the characters were silly and it wasn't worth my time. I will give it a 3/10.
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